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Taylor Swift Concert Youtube Eras Tour


TAYLOR SWIFT THE ERAS TOUR Concert Film Official Trailer Get tickets now to see TAYLOR SWIFT. Started less than 1 minute ago Experience the extended version of The Eras Tour including three songs. Taylor Swift will be on stage at the MCG from 8pm AEDT but theres plenty happening before the shows. Taylor Swift has released four albums since her last full-scale tour to say nothing of the..

But unfortunately for dedicated Swifties the lowest-priced seats still cost hundreds of dollars As of now the cheapest ticket for one of. But unless diehard Swifties are content sitting in the nosebleed section when she hits the stage in Sydney and Melbourne come. We Never Go Out Of Style Package. A Reserve - 37990 B Reserve - 30990 C Reserve - 23990 D Reserve - 19990 E Reserve - 15990 F Reserve - 11990 G Reserve -. The record-breaking eleven-time GRAMMY winner Taylor Swift will perform at the Melbourne Cricket Ground MCG for the first time as part of Taylor Swift..


American Express Card Members can enjoy access to some of the best Entertainment Sport Music events. Taylor Swift The Eras Tour Australian Dates Announced Find information on Taylor Swift 2024 Australia tour dates. More than 4 million fans attempted to purchase them during the second presale Last year the first tranche of tickets. What Are The Australian Taylor Swift Eras Tour Dates There will be two stops on the Australian Eras. An A Reserve ticket by itself is 37990 a difference of 870 from the VIP package with the same. Pre-Sale starts 10am AEST Sydney and 2pm AEST Melbourne Mon 26 June and ends Wed 28 June or until. The first pre-sale AMEX pre-sale started on June 26 The Frontier Touring pre-sale started on June 28..

The MCG has issued a colour-coded map illustrating the seating plan for Swifts three concerts There are seven key areas across the arena floor. As seating can change at venues for different events and performances these seating maps should be used as a. The record-breaking eleven-time GRAMMY winner Taylor Swift will perform at the Melbourne Cricket Ground MCG for the first time as part of Taylor Swift. You can peep the Sydney Accor Stadium Taylor Swift map here and Melbourne Cricket Grounds Taylor Swift map here. For those lucky enough to get tickets the MCG has taken to Twitter to share a colour-coded map of the seating for the Swift concerts showing..
